Threatened Species & Island Conservation
Protecting biodiversity and island ecosystems
Island systems are amongst the most threatened globally. We work across a wide range of offshore islands with a focus on threat identification and mitigation for birds and other fauna. Ongoing work includes a long-term monitoring program (20+ yrs) for seabirds, shorebirds and migratory land birds at Ashmore Reef, Browse Island and Adele Island off north-western Australia. This includes major programs with industry and government partners that aim to address threatening processes (weeds, invasive invertebrates and rodents) and recover seabird and marine turtle colonies on Browse Island and at Ashmore Reef.

We also conduct research on a suite of threatened seabirds and land birds in the Norfolk Island group where our goal is to secure the future of these unique species. We are undertaking ecological research to inform island-wide restoration of Phillip Island (in the Norfolk Island group). Additional threatened species that we work closely with are the Vanuatu Petrel (Pterodroma occulta) in the Banks Group, Vanuatu, and the Beck’s Petrel (Pseudobulweria becki) in New Ireland. Very little is known about these elusive species and we aim to uncover information that will help inform conservation management.
Our experience with the management of invasive species on islands includes a control program for the invasive tropical fire ant at Ashmore Reef, a large-scale attempt to eradicate Polynesian Rats from Adele Island and targeted research that informs rodent management on Norfolk Island and Browse Island.
Threatened species we work to save
We have worked with many threatened species. Shown are just a few from recent years:

Norfolk Island Morepork
Critically Endangered

Mallee Emu Wren

Critically Endangered

Vanuatu Petrel
Critically Endangered
Fundamental ecology and management recommendations

Slender-billed White-eye

Christmas Island Hawk-owl
Critically Endangered
Eastern Bristlebird

Norfolk Island Robin

Beck's Petrel
Critically Endangered
Basic ecology and management recommendations. Partnership with the British Ornithologists Union and the University of Queensland

Islands we work on